The Zinzani Culture Centre

The Zinzani Culture Centre

The Zinzani Culture Centre in the Gambia is a great place to experience and learn about West African culture through music and dance. The center offers workshops and classes for visitors who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of local traditions and participating in cultural exchange.

Some of the workshops and activities that you can participate in at Zinzani Culture Centre include:

Here are some examples of the workshops and activities you can participate in at the Zinzani Culture Centre in the Gambia:

  1. Drumming workshop: You can attend a drumming workshop at Zinzani to learn how to play traditional West African rhythms on the djembe, a type of hand drum commonly used in the region. During the workshop, you will learn techniques for striking the drum, how to keep time, and how to play in a group.
  2. Dance class: If you’re interested in West African dance, you can attend a dance class at Zinzani to learn traditional dances from the region. The classes are taught by experienced dancers and choreographers, and can include styles such as sabar, kora, or djembe.
  3. Cultural exchange program: Zinzani offers cultural exchange programs that allow visitors to interact with local artists and musicians, learn about their work and creative processes, and gain insight into the cultural traditions and beliefs that inform their art. These programs can be a great way to deepen your understanding of West African culture and forge connections with local communities.
  4. Language class: To improve your language skills, you can attend a language class at Zinzani to learn common phrases and expressions in a local language such as Mandinka or Wolof. The classes are taught by native speakers and can include lessons on pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.

These are just a few examples of the workshops and activities that you can participate in at the Zinzani Culture Centre in the Gambia. Whether you’re interested in music, dance, language, or cultural exchange, Zinzani offers a range of programs and activities to help you explore and learn about West African culture.

Overall, the Zinzani Culture Centre is a great place to immerse yourself in West African culture and gain a deeper appreciation for the region’s rich artistic traditions.

How much does it cost?

The costs for participating in workshops and activities at the Zinzani Culture Centre in the Gambia can vary depending on the type and duration of the program. Here are some approximate costs to give you an idea:

  1. Drumming workshop: A one-hour drumming workshop at Zinzani typically costs around 500 Gambian dalasis (about $10 USD). The cost may be higher if you opt for a longer workshop or if you rent a drum.
  2. Dance class: A one-hour dance class at Zinzani usually costs around 300 Gambian dalasis (about $6 USD). The cost may be higher if you opt for a longer class or if you need to rent traditional dance attire.
  3. Cultural exchange program: The cost of a cultural exchange program can vary widely depending on the specific program and its duration. Some programs may be offered as part of a tour package, while others may be custom-designed to meet your interests and needs. Contact Zinzani directly for more information on costs.
  4. Language class: A one-hour language class at Zinzani typically costs around 300 Gambian dalasis (about $6 USD). The cost may be higher if you opt for a longer class or if you need additional materials such as textbooks or audio recordings.

It’s worth noting that these costs are approximate and may be subject to change. Contact Zinzani directly for up-to-date information on pricing and availability for their workshops and activities.


The Zinzani Culture Centre in the Gambia was founded in 1992 by a group of musicians and artists who wanted to promote and preserve West African culture through music, dance, and other forms of artistic expression. The Centre is located in Bijilo, a suburb of the capital city of Banjul, and serves as a hub for cultural exchange and education.

Over the years, the Zinzani Culture Centre has become a well-respected institution in the Gambia, known for its high-quality programming and commitment to promoting West African culture both locally and internationally. The Centre has hosted countless workshops, performances, and cultural exchange programs, attracting visitors from all over the world who are interested in learning more about the rich and diverse cultures of West Africa.

In addition to its programming, the Zinzani Culture Centre has also played an important role in supporting local artists and musicians, providing them with a platform to showcase their talents and connect with audiences both at home and abroad. The Centre has collaborated with a number of prominent musicians and cultural organizations in the region and has helped to nurture the careers of many up-and-coming artists and performers.

Overall, the Zinzani Culture Centre has had a significant impact on the cultural landscape of the Gambia and the wider West African region, helping to promote understanding, appreciation, and respect for the rich cultural traditions and artistic expressions of the people who call this part of the world home.

Can you take private lessons?

Yes, private lessons are available at the Zinzani Culture Centre in the Gambia for those who would like more individualized attention or who have specific learning goals they would like to achieve. Private lessons can be arranged for a variety of topics, including drumming, dance, language, and other forms of cultural expression.

The cost of private lessons at Zinzani will depend on the specific subject, the duration of the lesson, and the experience level of the instructor. Generally, private lessons will be more expensive than group workshops or classes but may be a good option for those who are serious about learning and want more personalized instruction.

To arrange private lessons at the Zinzani Culture Centre, it is recommended that you contact the Centre directly to discuss your interests and goals, and to inquire about availability and pricing. The staff at Zinzani are knowledgeable and experienced and can help you create a customized learning plan that meets your needs and fits within your budget.

What will you learn at the Drumming workshop?

At the drumming workshop at the Zinzani Culture Centre in the Gambia, you will have the opportunity to learn about the traditional rhythms and techniques of West African drumming. The workshop will be led by an experienced drumming instructor who is knowledgeable about the different styles and techniques of drumming from the region.

During the workshop, you will learn how to play a variety of traditional West African drums, such as the djembe, dunun, and sabar. You will learn about the different types of drumming patterns and rhythms, and how they are used in different cultural contexts, such as for celebrations, religious ceremonies, and social events.

In addition to learning how to play the drums, you will also learn about the cultural significance and history of West African drumming. You will learn about the role that drumming plays in the social and cultural life of the region, and how it has evolved over time.

The drumming workshop at Zinzani is designed to be interactive and engaging, with a focus on hands-on learning and participation. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced drummer, you will have the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques and to deepen your understanding and appreciation of West African drumming and culture.

What will you learn in Dance class?

At the dance class at the Zinzani Culture Centre in the Gambia, you will have the opportunity to learn about the traditional dance styles and techniques of West Africa. The dance class will be led by an experienced dance instructor who is knowledgeable about the different styles and techniques of dance from the region.

During the class, you will learn how to perform a variety of traditional West African dances, such as the Kora, the Jola, and the Wolof. You will learn about the different types of dance steps and movements, and how they are used in different cultural contexts, such as for celebrations, religious ceremonies, and social events.

In addition to learning how to dance, you will also learn about the cultural significance and history of West African dance. You will learn about the role that dance plays in the social and cultural life of the region, and how it has evolved over time.

The dance class at Zinzani is designed to be interactive and engaging, with a focus on hands-on learning and participation. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced dancer, you will have the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques and deepen your understanding and appreciation of West African dance and culture.

Here’s an example of what you might experience in a dance class at the Zinzani Culture Centre:

The dance class begins with a warm-up, led by the instructor. You start by stretching and loosening up your muscles, in preparation for the dance movements you will be learning. The instructor explains the importance of warming up to prevent injury and improve your flexibility.

Next, the instructor demonstrates the first dance step and breaks it down into smaller movements, explaining the proper technique and body positioning. You practice the movement with the rest of the class, receiving feedback and corrections from the instructor as needed.

As you become more comfortable with the first dance step, the instructor introduces a new movement and gradually builds up a sequence of steps. You continue practicing the sequence with the rest of the class, gradually building up your muscle memory and coordination.

Throughout the class, the instructor also shares information about the cultural significance and history of the dance style you are learning. You learn about the different occasions when the dance is performed, the cultural traditions associated with the dance, and the music and rhythms that accompany the dance.

By the end of the class, you have learned a complete dance sequence and have a deeper understanding and appreciation of West African dance and culture. You feel energized, confident, and inspired to continue learning and practicing what you have learned.