Independence Day Celebration

Independence Day Celebration

During the Independence Day Celebration, people participate in various activities such as parades, music and dance performances, traditional games, and sports competitions. The festival also features a variety of food and drinks, including traditional dishes and beverages, that visitors can try. Additionally, there may be speeches and presentations by government officials and community leaders about the history of the country’s independence and its cultural significance. People also gather with friends and family to enjoy the festivities together.

What is it:

The Independence Day Celebration is an annual event in The Gambia that commemorates the country’s independence from British colonial rule on February 18, 1965. The festival is a celebration of Gambian culture, food, and entertainment.


The Gambia gained its independence from the United Kingdom on February 18, 1965. Since then, the country has celebrated this day as a national holiday, with festivities that showcase the country’s cultural heritage.

When does it take place:

The Independence Day Celebration takes place on February 18th every year.

What to do there:

Visitors can enjoy traditional Gambian food, music, and dance performances, as well as cultural displays and parades. It is also an opportunity to learn more about Gambian history and culture.

Is it safe:

As with any large public event, visitors should take the necessary precautions to ensure their safety. It is generally advised to be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye on your belongings.

What can tourists do:

Tourists can attend the Independence Day Celebration and participate in the various activities and events. Additionally, they can explore the country’s historical sites, museums, and other cultural attractions.

Where is it:

The Independence Day Celebration takes place throughout The Gambia, with many events and activities in the capital city of Banjul.

Live entertainment is a big part of the Independence Day Celebration in The Gambia. There are usually performances by local musicians and dancers, as well as cultural displays of various forms of art and craft. There may also be speeches by government officials and other prominent figures, and parades featuring members of the military and other groups. Overall, the celebration is a time for Gambians to come together and celebrate their nation’s independence, as well as its rich cultural heritage.

What do people do on the day?

On Independence Day, people in The Gambia usually participate in a variety of activities and events to celebrate the occasion. These can include:

  1. Attending parades: The Independence Day parade is a major highlight of the celebrations, with members of the military, schools, and other organizations marching in colorful uniforms and displaying their skills and talents.
  2. Watching cultural performances: The day is also marked by traditional music and dance performances, with groups from different parts of the country showcasing their unique cultural heritage.
  3. Eating traditional foods: Many people celebrate the day by preparing and sharing traditional Gambian dishes with family and friends, such as domoda (peanut stew), benachin (one-pot rice dish), and attaya (sweet mint tea).
  4. Attending sports events: Independence Day is also a popular time for sporting events, with football (soccer) matches and other competitions taking place across the country.
  5. Visiting historical sites: Some people may also take the opportunity to visit historical sites and landmarks related to the country’s independence struggle, such as Arch 22 in Banjul or the Makasutu Cultural Forest.

Overall, Independence Day is a time for Gambians to come together to celebrate their nation’s history, culture, and achievements, and to look forward to the future with hope and optimism.